Would you like to raise some much needed revenue for your cause or charity?

Then why not partner with CouponzDirect? It is free and easy to do!

Simply fill out this registration form and a member of the CouponzDirect team will contact you and assign your unique referral code, the rest is easy.

Once your referral code has been assigned this helps identify the source of the new user (as an example, PTA in USA or ABC school) you can then begin to share by email or social media the benefits of subscribing to CouponzDirect.

Your CouponzDirect contact will register your partner account. This allows us to track all those who have registered using your unique referral code, and assign them to your account. You will also be able to log into the partner interface on the CouponzDirect site to view your account, where you will see who has been referred and the status of that referral. You will also be able to keep a track on all fees earned in your account, via the same interface.

So come on! Why don’t you join us and let’s help you to raise those much needed funds, while saving money for all of your referred users across America as they shop.

Primary Contact

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